Level: 0
Offline laatst online: 21/05/2012
  • Battle Ball Speler XVII
  • Battle Banzai Winnaar XII
  • Trouw aan Habbo - Level VI
  • Lord of the tiles XII
  • Player XI
  • 16






    Habbo sinds: 14/08/2010

    Niet geregistreerd op HabboFever

    Badges (25)
    Aai-apprentice - Level III

    Aai-apprentice - Level III

    Battle Ball Speler XVII

    Battle Ball Speler XVII

    Battle Banzai Winnaar XII

    Battle Banzai Winnaar XII

    Bruine Rule the School Badge

    Bruine Rule the School Badge

    De Blauwe Vampiers

    De Blauwe Vampiers

    Draken Ninja Spotter I

    Draken Ninja Spotter I

    E-mail bevestigd I

    E-mail bevestigd I

    Gouden Ruler of the School Badge

    Gouden Ruler of the School Badge

    Groene Rule the School Badge

    Groene Rule the School Badge

    Happy hour

    Happy hour

    Kamerbestormer II

    Kamerbestormer II

    Lord of the tiles XII

    Lord of the tiles XII

    Online Tijd VI - Donder

    Online Tijd VI - Donder

    Player XI

    Player XI

    Raider Badge

    Raider Badge

    Resident II - Gast

    Resident II - Gast

    Roze Rule The School Badge

    Roze Rule The School Badge

    Ruilpas I

    Ruilpas I

    Sinaasappel & Mandarijn Badge

    Sinaasappel & Mandarijn Badge

    The Skeaks

    The Skeaks

    Trouw aan Habbo - Level VI

    Trouw aan Habbo - Level VI

    Zilveren Rule the School Badge 2

    Zilveren Rule the School Badge 2

    Zilveren Rule the School Badge 3

    Zilveren Rule the School Badge 3

    Zilveren Rule the School Badge 4

    Zilveren Rule the School Badge 4

    Zilveren Rule the School Badge 5

    Zilveren Rule the School Badge 5

    Groepen (0)